Tag Archive | Reading

Reading Homework


London Nautical School never tires of reaffirming the importance of reading to its students. It is one of the single-most important own-time activities that a student can do to improve his achievement at school and in life. To this end, the Year 10 class this year is expected to read on a regular basis in addition to their assigned reading from school. Called ‘reading for pleasure’, this is intended to be a pleasurable experience, and while there are some guidelines (they must read books from a range of different genre, for example) there is a lot of scope for them to choose their own reading material.

Reading for pleasure will sometimes also be a part of their English working time, and it is expected that the students have a book on hand most days.

Today the class will spend a period in the library selecting their first book. They will have these issued to them and they are encouraged to get going with the reading of them forthwith. There should never be a reason for a student to say “I have no homework”, as if there has been no homework set from their English class that day, it is implicit that they will use that 30 minutes for personal reading.

If anyone has come across some excellent books and novels recently, we invite you to let us know, as we can buy these for the library and encourage the boys to read them as part of this year-long project./